For my final WOW project, I chose to pursue my passion for editing photos in Photoshop and bringing them to life in giffs. In my final, I publicized lots of photos I captured around Boulder, as well as some open domain art I found on the web!! The theme of my WOW project derived from inspiration I gained after watching the "Blackfish" movie. "Blackfish" shows how humans are catching wild orcas and using them for their pleasure while keeping them in captivity that's not suitable for them to survive/thrive. The goal of my giffs was to portray the effect of human intervention within nature. Humans have adapted lots of different aspects of our naturally beautiful world and altered the natural state to generate more satisfaction or revenue, selfishly altering natural life forever. My project displays the chaotic society that surrounds us on a daily basis. The WOW project was a huge success as it allowed me to push myself out of my comfort zone, and strive for greatness! This semester I feel I really progressed my digital art skills in addition to learning so much about myself! I currently am feeling motivated, passionate, and inspired to continue to create digital art this summer and throughout my future. I'm extremely grateful and appreciative of all the support and guidance I've received throughout my CU Boulder Digital Art career, cheers!
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